Here we profile the current research that is occurring in the Mono Basin. There are quite a few ongoing research projects, and this page serves as a clearinghouse for researchers to find out who is doing
what. If you know of scientific research in the Mono Basin that
is not listed here, let us know (please e-mail
so we can add it to the list. Please also e-mail us if you have
reports and studies that you think would be a good addition to this
Also see the
Science Locator for many larger-scale Great Basin research projects not listed
We've tried to break down the research into several categories, but since many studies cross several disciplines, please bear with
the "lumping". Some studies are listed in more than one area. We will
add new categories as needed.
- Prehistoric use of Mono Lake's variable wetland habitats over
the past 4,000 years
Ryan Brady, CSU Sacramento
Master's Thesis in progress
- Long-term climatic water budget analysis of Bodie, Bridgeport, Mono Lake, and 30 other Sierra sites
Scott Kruse, Fresno Pacific University
- Development of sand dune ecosystems on the north shore of Mono Lake
(shrub | dune)
Catherine A. Toft, Deborah Elliott-Fisk, and James H. Richards, University of California Davis
Speciation in Moths
Michael Collins
- A bird-caused trophic cascade in the context of riparian habitat restoration: does it exist and does it represent a "restoration service?"
Sacha K. Heath, Humboldt State University
- Osprey Research
Lisa Fields, California State Parks
- Waterfowl Surveys & Aerial Photography (Mono Basin,
Bridgeport Reservoir, Crowley Reservoir)
order 4.d.(2))
- Ash beds of Paoha Island
Mike Perkins, University of Utah
- Geologic Map of Paoha Island (USGS)
Marcus Bursik, University of Buffalo
- Surficial Deposits of the Mono Basin
Angela Jayko, USGS
- Economic
Analysis of the 3rd Annual Mono Basin Bird
Chautauqua: A survey and analysis of local businesses and
River Gates, PRBO, Lisa Cutting, MLC
Mono Basin businesses and Chautauqua participants were surveyed to
evaluate the economic benefits of the Mono Basin Bird Chautauqua.
- An Economic Study of Protected Areas in the Eastern Sierra
Robby Richardson & Dr. John Loomis, Colorado State University
- Economic Study of the Water Quality of Mono Lake and its
Juha Silkamaki, Ph.D., U.C. Davis, for Caltrans
Metabolic Capability and Phylogenetic Diversity of Mono Lake during a bloom of the Eukaryotic Phototroph Picocystis sp. Strain ML
Blake W. Stamps, Heather S. Nunn, Victoria A. Petryshyn, Ronald S. Oremland, Laurence G. Miller, Michael R. Rosen, Kohen W. Bauer,Katharine J. Thompson, Elise M. Tookmanian, Anna R. Waldeck, Sean J. Loyd, Hope A. Johnson, Bradley S. Stevenson, William M. Berelson,Frank A. Corsetti, John R. Spear
- Geochemical Topography
Pamela Conrad, JPL
Meromixis, nutrient cycling, and plankton dynamics
Robert Jellison, Marine Science Institute, University of California Santa Barbara |
- Mono Lake oxygen isotope concentrations
Hong-Chun Li, University of Southern California
- Mono Lake Radiocarbon: The Mystery Deepens.
Vol 88 No 12, 20 March 2007 EOS, Transactions,
American Geophysical Union
Broecker, Wallace. Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory