A View of Mono Lake, California
From the Scanavino Ranch
Painting by
M. Randall, 1936

This is a painting by M. Randall who painted this scene from the front
yard of the “Goat Ranch”, currently called the Scanavino Ranch. The
Ranch remains the same today as it was in this 1936 painting.
The original Scanavino Family homesteaded where the Ranch is
today. There were fourteen brothers and sisters who were raised and
educated on the Ranch. They farmed the land and sold vegetables.
The image and information on this
page were provided by Joe Scanavino, who lived on the Scanavino Ranch in
the 1940s and 1950s. The ranch is located on
Cottonwood Canyon Road not far from the old DeChambeau
Ranch. Joe was born
in Hawthorne, Nevada on February 17, 1939 and
lived at the Goat Ranch with his parents. His
father, Joe Scanavino Sr., remained living at
the ranch until he passed away in 1955. The
original Scanavino Family homesteaded the Mono Basin area (about 1900). His
grandparents raised and educated fourteen children at the Goat Ranch. He
thinks the ranch got its name originally from
the goats that were raised on Paoha Island.
His father and uncle Steve
complied numerous stories about the miners, ranchers, and lifestyles of
the residents in the Mono Basin area, specifically Bodie and the dry
farmers that settled adjacent to the Goat Ranch. His
uncle Steve wrote several articles that were published in the Hawthorne
NV newspaper. Steve talked about the Great Snow slide at Mill Creek and
Bodie's first motorized funeral.
There were other paintings but they were lost in a fire
along with many of his father's antiques.
His father is buried in Bodie along side his
parents, brothers and sisters. He worked on
the phone line from Hawthorne to Bodie and from Bodie to Mill Creek and
Bridgeport. |