Photos of the Nay Ranch
All photos and most text courtesy of Bill Nay.

In 1898 the Nay Boat was the first naphtha-powered
boat on Mono Lake. It was hauled from Southern California on a wagon.

The Nay family dock, built in 1898, photo taken by Bill Nay in 2005.

Bill Nay's Grandmother with his father and his
aunts just before they moved away from Mono Lake in 1925. The house is
still there across from the lake near the highway as you head north from
Lee Vining.

An early picture of the "icebox tufa" on the Nay

Click on the image of the 1900 Census to enlarge.

An early picture of Orvis W. Nay and his bride May
A. Nay. After his mother sold the ranch at Mono Lake he had eventually
ended up in Coalinga, CA where he met May A. Satchell. After they were
married they moved back to Mono Lake. They lived at Mono Lake from
about 1914 to 1924. Orvis worked the mines at Lundy and May was a

Orvis and May's three children Mary, Ruby and
William (Bill Nay's father).