Data Summary Index, Carrington
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p 7 (Carr) Duck hunting, mostly mallards - Grant Lake
to Hwy 395
p 7 (Carr) Duck hunting - north shore of Mono Lake
p 8 (Carr) Ruddy ducks, mallards - Mono Lake
p 8 (Carr) Duck hunting - north shore of Mono Lake
p 19 (Carr) Ducks and geese - mouth of Lee Vining
p 25 (Carr) Ducks on the springs -
Hansen property,
north shore
p 30 (Carr) Canada geese wintered in the Mono Basin
1920's, 30's
p 32 (Carr) Birds on Mono Lake, thousands of grebes
p 1 (Carr) Willows near the mouth - Rush Creek
p 9 (Carr) Willows, trees near the mouth - Mill Creek
p 13 (Carr) Pine, willow, cottonwood, aspen - lower
Lee Vining Creek
p 14 (Carr) No significant meadows - lower Lee Vining
p 14 (Carr) Riparian corridor 20 to 30 feet each side
- Lee Vining Creek
p 14 (Carr) At the delta, more grassland, smaller
trees, no pine trees - Lee Vining Creek
p 24 (Carr) North shore of Mono Lake, meadows and
p 37 (Carr) Algae floating on Mono Lake
p 41 (Carr) Grey-green algae on surface of Mono Lake
in blops
p 2 (Carr) Rush Creek, near the mouth, was slow and
deep, 3 feet deep and 20 feet across
p 7 (Carr) Deep water for ducks - Grant dam to hwy
395, Rush Creek
p 9 (Carr) North shore, near County Park area packed
with lagoons
p 9 (Carr) Flow fluctuations, levels - Mill Creek
p 10 (Carr) Smaller boulders, baseball size - Mill
p 13 (Carr) Slow and deep moving - Lee Vining Creek
p 14 (Carr) Pools, rushing water, and backwater - Lee
Vining Creek
p 15 (Carr) Big pools - Lee Vining Creek
p 17 (Carr) Mouth of Lee Vining Creek, fast, deep and
wide, no pools
p 19 (Carr) Lee Vining Creek never went dry when SCE
managed it
p 24 (Carr) Large spring near Hanson
propery, north
shore, produced as much water as Mill Creek
p 40 (Carr) Mono Craters Tunnel tapped groundwater
under June Lake
p 41 (Carr) Mono Lake would freeze up to 1/4 inch
p 9 (Carr) Beaches on north shore were very sandy,
easy for stalking ducks
p 12 (Carr) Jack rabbit, and cottontail hunting around
Lee Vining
p 16 (Carr) Fishing with worms and salmon eggs on
lower Lee Vining Creek, ten or twelve in an hour, through
back ones under 10 inches
p 19 (Carr) Duck hunting was not very good at the
mouth of Lee Vining Creek
p 24 (Carr) Sandy beach, swam every day in Mono Lake
p 31 (Carr) Up until 1930's, sport hunting with
retreivers was popular on Mono Lake
p 9 (Carr) DeChambeau, Thompson, and Conway used water
from Mill Creek to irrigate
p 11 (Carr) Irrigation ditch ran through present town
Lee Vining, near the Chris Mattly house
p 25 (Carr) Ranches along Rush Creek, vegetables
irrigated by creek
p 25 (Carr) Chris Mattly had cattle that he would herd
near the lake (about one hundred head)
p 26 (Carr) Cattle would feed on bunch grass near
Sammanns Ranch
p 28 (Carr) Captain John and Paiute family lived near
Sammanns Springs
p 10 (Carr) Mill Creek was not a good fishing stream
from highway 395 to Mono Lake, but above 395 to Lundy
Lake, it was very good
p 16 (Carr) Rush Creek had 12 to 16" cutthroat
p 17 (Carr) Cutthroat, eastern,
brookies, not many
rainbows in Rush Creek - eastern brook trout in Lee
Vining Creek
p 18 (Carr) Water at the spillway and fish trying to
swim up it - Lee Vining Creek
p 34 (Carr) Gulls weren't as common
p 35 (Carr) Now crows in Bishop as a kid
p 36 (Carr) Not many deer