From: Greg Reis
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 2:11 PM
Subject: Mono Basin Clearinghouse Updates for 12/02/01

Dear Friends,

After an October full of updates, November has been pretty quiet on the Clearinghouse front. We do have a few pretty nice additions, however.



2000 and 2001 Population size and reproductive success of California Gulls at Mono Lake, California, with emphasis on the Negit Islets. PRBO Contributions 937 and 938. These are the two latest reports on this long-term research on Mono Lake's islands (since 1983), adding to the reports available online (since the 1992 report).

Also from PRBO, The Diets of California Gull Nestlings at Mono Lake: Seasonal and Diurnal Variation, by Peter H. Wrege, Justin M. Hite, and David W. Winkler. Point Reyes Bird Observatory Contribution No. 939. October 2001.

For all three reports, see



Water in the West, a project of Cascadia Times. Contains reports, resources, and information on some river basins.

Environmental Change and its Impact on Species/Ecosystems/Agriculture Bibliography - American Society of International Law - Wildlife Interest Group. Got this one from Connie Millar's SW Great Basin listserve: "The latest version of our searchable bibliography on the impacts of climate change on flora and fauna species, ecosystems and agricultural resources has been posted on our site at: 340 citations have been added to the bibliography since the release of the last incarnation in July and the bibliography now has more than 3300 citations, encompassing peer reviewed and gray literature, including hundreds of online resources."

Incidentally, if you want to subscribe to the Southwest Great Basin and Eastern Sierra Nevada Climate and Resource-Management Issues Listserve, visit for details.



If at any time you decide that you no longer wish to receive these occasional (approx. monthly) updates about additions to this Website, please e-mail and ask to be removed from the list. If you know of anyone who would be interested in these updates, please forward them this update and tell them to email to receive future updates.

Thanks for your interest in Mono Basin research,

Greg Reis, Information Specialist, (760) 647-6386 x41
Mono Lake Committee, 647-6595, fax: 647-6377
Hwy 395 & 3rd St., Box 29 Lee Vining, CA 93541 USA
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The Mono Lake Committee is a non-profit citizens' group dedicated to protecting and restoring the Mono Basin ecosystem, educating the public about the impacts on the environment of excessive water use, and promoting cooperative solutions that protect Mono Lake and meet real water needs without transferring environmental problems to other areas.