From: Greg Reis [Windows/postmaster/greg] on behalf of Greg Reis
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 12:26 AM
To: Greg Reis
Subject: Mono Basin Clearinghouse Updates for 3/28/01

Dear Friends,

Over the past two months we've added some useful content to the Mono Basin Clearinghouse (

I don't know about you, but when I'm browsing the Clearinghouse, when I get to the bottom of a particularly lengthy page and want to go somewhere else, I don't like having to scroll back up to the navigation bar at the top. Now at the very bottom of every page there is a link that says "Top of This Page". I know this makes my life easier--I hope you find it useful too!

On a related note, a lot of the larger files have been moved into the /images/ directory, for space saving reasons. If you bookmarked their previous location, you won't find them now unless you follow a link. Expect more (minor) growing pains like this as we add content and continue to develop the site.

MLC reads piezometers (tubes measuring groundwater level) on Lee Vining and Rush Creeks near channels rewatered in 1994-95, and the Microsoft Excel spreadsheets containing our data are now online. Spreadsheets also contain scatter plots and graphs comparing groundwater levels with streamflow over time. See

Executive Summary of the 1999 report by Chris Hunter et. al. is now online. He said he'd email us the 2000 report when it is finished and we will post it when we get it. See

We have added photos and photographer biographies from our first three participants in the project. Currently this information resides on the Mono Lake Website at, however we have plans to move it to the Clearinghouse and have it in a searchable database. Look for this change in late summer-early fall. At this time there are links to it from the Clearinghouse.

Water: The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change - A Report of the National Water Assessment Group for the U.S. Global Change Research Program. 160 pages, 1.8MB pdf file Lots of colorful graphs, maps, and charts.
A comprehensive, provocative report that implies climate change might be good for Mono Basin streams but not for Mono Lake. Predicted increases in temperature and slight increases in precipitation for this region, with a shift in the snowmelt hydrograph to sharper earlier peaks. 20-30% increase in runoff. Slight to major increase in evapotranspiration. Predictions for 2030 and 2095 (2030 is barely into the post transition period for Mono Lake's level, so considering these predictions, using existing climate for post-transition modeling--as we currently do--is pointless). There are uncertainties given the interplay of various factors: "Increasing precipitation by 10% approximately balances evaporative losses resulting from an increase in temperature of 4 o C." Changes in timing of runoff are consistent across studies, however. Also warming of ice-free lakes was consistent. It also states, "increased meromixis and decreased productivity for saline lakes." Increases in extreme events are also forecast.

Other new links include a site about the Jeffrey Pine Beetle, Mountain Yellow-legged Frog, Trees of California, and the Rocky Mountain Institute's publications on water. See

If at any time you decide that you no longer wish to receive these occasional updates about additions to this Website, please e-mail and ask to be removed from the list.

Thanks for your interest in Mono Basin Research!

Greg Reis, Information Specialist, (760) 647-6386 x41
Mono Lake Committee, 647-6595, fax: 647-6377
Mono Lake:
Living Lakes:
Lee Vining Chamber:
Mono Basin Clearinghouse: